Learning @ School 2012: Calls for presentations

Closing in 7 days!!!
Call For Presentations

Claudelands Events Centre   -  26-27th January 2012

Website: www.core-ed.org/learningatschool

Whaia e koe ki te iti  kahurangi; ki te tuohu koe, me maunga teitei

Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head let it be to a lofty mountain

Stand Up – Be counted.
Share your stories

Submit a presentation for the Learning@School  Conference in January next year.

There are a great many of you who are working untiringly in your own schools for the benefit of the students in your care. The Learning @School conference provides a wonderful opportunity for you to share your successes. The team is looking forward to receiving a selection from across New Zealand covering the aspects of your programme that relate to the four themes, Leading, Creating, Achieving and School Partnerships.

It is up to all of us to share what we have learned, with our colleagues.... from beginners to experienced practitioners. We want to hear what you can offer. Every year we are building upon our collective knowledge.

Enliven this conference with your expertise and experience. Stand up! Be Counted!

Key Dates
Deadline for Abstracts: 16th September 2011
Feedback range: October 15th-October 30th

For information regarding presentations contact
Sherry Chrisp (Programme Convenor)

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