Do we need cybersafety agreements?

Tara Taylor-Jorgensen share her thoughts on cyber-safety and poses something interesting questions.

  • Why do we force agreements on students and their parents when we don’t do that for any other curriculum area?
  • Does it assume that students will do something BAD on the internet even before they are introduced to the media?
  • Is it relevant for the students when they sign these agreements on school entry at five years old?
  • Are we compromising student empowerment for the sake of wellbeing?
  • Is cyber-safety the new ‘stranger danger’? Even if it is, violence against children, more often than not happened within families and communities.
  • Is it about the victims? Or should it be about those that are hurting people?
  • Is there not more bullying in schools and the community than in the ‘cyber-world’?
  • Is web- filtering doing our students a disservice?
  • Is it not better to have real conversations with the kids while working with them online?
  • Does there need to be a national framework that school implement or will those decisions be left to the individual institutions?

Good questions...

How would you answer?

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