CORE Achieve- Training available for NZ schools

CORE Achieve - online professional learning courses begin in Term 2

Are you looking for online professional learning that is:
Affordable, flexible, accessible, engaging and future-focused?

Check out what CORE is offering and register online.

Courses include:
  • Using wikis effectively with your students
  • Blogging for teachers
  • Collaborative curriculum design
  • e-portfolios
  • Digital and cyber citizenship
  • Enhancing learning using digital technologies
  • Communicating with social media
  • Principles and practices of online teaching
  • Raising student achievement in literacy through e-learning

Our courses provide quality professional development and support using a blended online learning approach. They are designed to:

Develop innovative teaching and learning programmes, based on effective practice and evidence
  • Support teacher inquiry into classroom practice
  • Promote school/centre-based curriculum and assessment design and implementation
  • Build a professional learning culture of sustained learning
  • Supported by webinars, forums and social networking software
Choose to learn individually, as part of a group, or as a whole staff or cluster with our range of course options.

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