Tolley leads charge for choice and change

Battlelines appear to be drawn in preparation for an election year as Labour declares “Anne Tolley unfit to lead education sector” where as.. “ The New Zealand Young Nationals applaud the leadership of the Minister of Education, Anne Tolley for acknowledging the freedom of one of New Zealand’s top schools to choose an academic pathway in the interests of its students.”

But let’s consider where the nation might be at with this issue. It seems that if parents in particular, but the nation as a whole, is ‘pro-choice’ then the future looks good for National but if voters feel that too much time, energy and expense has gone into NCEA to ‘abandon’ the system then Labour's take on the situation is right.
It is all very well educationalists on both sides of the argument jumping up and down. It is the public perception that is crucial.Is this a nail in the NCEA coffin or an accurate temperature taking of public sentiment? Hence the poll. 
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