Students who are not paying back their student loans tend to be have dropped out without completing a qualification, more likely to have studied for a lower-level qualification such as a certificate or diploma rather than a degree and are more likely to be Maori or Pacific Islanders.
With interest-free student loans there is no motivation for paying it back, why would you? Its the cheapest money you’ll ever see.
So what motivates those that have contributed $619 million in the last financial year? How many teachers are still battling with student loan repayments 1, 2, 5, 10 years after study is completed?
Deferment may be an answer for some, but is it not simply delaying the inevitable?
"The money for loan repayments has to come from somewhere... It is money which is not being spent elsewhere." Prof Paul HansenSO the question is not so much whether student loans are good, right and honourable but are they being accessed appropriately by students to make a significant contribution to ‘human capital’?
And whose job is it to decides?
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