'Mango' is codename for the latest update to the Windows Phone 7. Possibly one of the worst kept secrets in Techi-dom.
Microsoft believes that it will hold 20 per cent of the Kiwi smartphone market within three years.
That is quite a claim made by Microsoft. But it seems that there is deal, previously buried deep within ‘techi-dom’ that Microsoft and Nokia have come to some deal to see the WindowsPhone7 software present on future generation phones.
The question for educators lies in the impact this will have on mobile learning.
Previous studies involving iphones and ipads and android equivalents has let to profile raising and funding support for schools and communities.
I just wonder who it is that we need to talk to in order to have a LG/Telecom/ Widows7 trial and research into its potential for secondary and primary students engagement?
Suggestions in the comments please….
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