Think about water safety now and be prepared

It may be cold but now is the time to be thinking about getting the skills you and your kids are going to need this year. Drowning is far too common in New Zealand and simply hoping and praying its not you and yours is not really enough. In the video below I lay out few tips to help keep you safe on the water.

Below are some sound ideas from KidsHealth:
"Buddy up!"  Always swim with a partner.
"Get skilled" Know some life saving skills, they may just come in handy.
"Know your limits" If you're not a good swimmer or you're just learning to swim, don't go in water that's so deep you can't touch the bottom.
"Swim in safe areas only" It's a good idea to swim only in places that are supervised by a lifeguard.
"Be careful about diving" Only diving in areas that are known to be safe, such as the deep end of a supervised pool.

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