Felix Littera - Bookfighters

Bookfighters 2.0 is here.
A couple of years ago some friends got together and shared their thoughts on a variety of reading material. Each week they read a book and uploaded their review and thoughts on the material.
Starting in January the relaunch the project but this time they are aiming for less books and more participation. January’s book is ‘Moby Dick’ by Herman Melville. If you are wanting to follow the project or even participate the first thing you need to do is subscribe to the Bookfighters channel on Youtube.

We at Educating the Dragon will also be participating and hopefully we’ll share with you our thoughts on the ‘Book of the Month’.

This project begins over the school holidays so if you are wanting share with your students this interesting project now the time.

Please help us get the word out by tweeting, facebooking and otherwise sharing this post.

To all of you stepping up and participating we say “Felix Littera”

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