Getting to grips with teenage issues

Sir Peter Gluckman, says one in five young New Zealanders will face problems as they grow up that will affect the rest of their lives.

There are many issues facing teens today:
  • Suicide
  • Drinking
  • Pregnancy
  • Drug use
  • Depression

The teenage years are associated with high risk taking. That is a natural part of growing up but it is the skills and abilities that New Zealand teenagers lack that is such a concern.

Sir Peter Gluckman releases the report stating that, compared internationally, New Zealand teenagers are in pretty poor shape.

 "The solutions rely largely on preventative approaches very early in life, particularly in early childhood education years," he said.

It is essential that children as young as 2 or 3 are supported and encouraged by caregivers. The development and growth of self esteem is essential to how teenagers can cope with the issues and pressures they face. Positive self-image leads to good self-esteem and confidence in ones ability and worth. These, with the appropriate support network,s strengthen the develop self-control and the ability to act ethically and morally when faced with challenges and choices.

Gluckman hopes with the evidence included in the report, decision makers and society can set about what has been described as an "unacceptably high level of poor social and health outcomes for our young people".

The report will be released later today and further links will appear below:

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