Top tips for IWB use

D9 Teacher presents...

Time: 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Venue: St Matthew’s School, Hasting, NZ                                    
Using  IWB  software tools  to  empower  students  and   maximize  teaching  and  learning.'

… IWB + Literacy                20th March
We  explore  hardware,  software  and   freeware  options  to get the most from your interactive whiteboard to support  your literacy   teaching  and  learning.    

… interactive whiteboard for beginners    3rd April
Considering activities and strategies to maximize your students effective use of the IWB in the classroom.

… Inquiry and ICT               15th May
We explore ways  ICT tools can broaden, deepen and enrich the inquiry process. 

Email direct to book your place.  

Simon has spent time delivering ICT professional development to teachers around the North Island. Before that he was a primary classroom teacher for 11 years both in NZ and the UK.
Simon is particularly interested in the impact of Web 2.0 and other digital literacy tools on teaching and learning.

It's called reading

‘The Story in You’

Launch of our new Readers and Writers Club for Teens

Come along and meet published authors:

Deborah Burnside

Adele Broadbent

(both finalists in the 2012 NZ Post Children’s Book Awards)

and Jackie Rutherford

who will all be talking about writing for teenagers.

Thursday 15th 5.30pm

RSVP to or ph (06) 835 8968