Female teachers attire is called into question...

Female teachers attire is called into question... just like last year, and the one before that and the one... you get the idea.

As the Ad goes “It’s good to be a guy”.
There is not much thought that goes into what a male teacher should wear. In everyone’s head they are either wearing a tracksuit or semi-smart pants and a ‘smart/casual’ shirt. Somehow this covers a range of appropriate attire for school teaching.

Ladies on the other hand are once again faced with the great debate about what is classified as ‘appropriate’.
Neckline? Length of top? Length of skirt? Pants or skirts? Jeans? Its a minefield. Who gets to decide. Someone will always be ‘wrong’.
So what are staff doing to combat this? Where is written down, that definition of appropriate dress.

What is the 21st Century, PC, can’t offend, can’t be too liberal, too conservative, middle way?

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